Radio Park Teacher Receives Prestigious Award

The PDS Outstanding Dissertation Award recognizes a high level of excellence within new doctoral candidates who are able to greatly contribute to the understanding of Professional Development Schools (PDS). As the 2017 winner, Dr. Kelly Mark’s brilliance was first recognized when two of her dissertation committee members nominated her for this honor. All dissertations that were submitted for this award had to reflect the “Nine Essentials” that are found at the core of a PDS school.

“The awards committee found my work to be an outstanding reflection of those essentials,” said Kelly.

Read more: Radio Park Teacher Receives Prestigious Award

Mount Nittany Middle School's One Button Studio

Dressed as a 19th century abolitionist, seventh grader Madison Fraley stood in Independence Hall and delivered an impassioned speech.

Her performance wasn’t part of a field trip. Fraley never left Mount Nittany Middle School. Instead, her appearance at the Philadelphia landmark was purely digital, a product of the school’s innovative educational resource.

Read more: Mount Nittany Middle School's One Button Studio

Class of 1957 Are Still Friends for Life

To say that a lot has changed in the 60 years since the Class of 1957 last walked out of State High’s doors as students would be putting it mildly. There is one thing, however, that has stood the test of time and then some: their bond as classmates and friends.

No one, perhaps, can tell the story better than Linda Chambers Domin ’57.

Read more: Class of 1957 Are Still Friends for Life