Cultivating an Outdoor Classroom

The Grange Fair Provides Unique Learning Opportunities for Ag Program Students

For nearly a century, since 1929 to be exact, State College Area High School Ag Program students have descended on the Grange Fair each August, showcasing skills and knowledge gained throughout the year. Led by Paul Heasley, SCASD Agricultural Science teacher and FFA Advisor, the experience for students is an important part of their education. “The fair offers many opportunities for students as well as provides them informal educational and skill-based activities,” Paul explains. “It is extremely important for showcasing student academic and technical skills, as well as develop leadership and community service skills.”

Read more: Cultivating an Outdoor Classroom

From State College to the Global Stage, SCASD Alum Matthew Shaw Has Found International Fame in the Operatic World

Matthew Shaw, a 1993 State High grad, has established himself as one of the most exciting countertenors of his generation, performing in leading roles at internationally-acclaimed theatres. But long before he found global fame, the renowned opera singer was simply a young man who had a love for music. “I was interested in music as long as I can remember!” Shaw exclaims. But it wasn’t until the fourth grade where Matthew really began to take it seriously. “I started to take trumpet lessons, then switched to trombone in junior high. I continued my trombone studies through Park Forest Junior High and SCAHS, adding in piano lessons in tenth grade and singing lessons in eleventh grade.”

Read more: From State College to the Global Stage, SCASD Alum Matthew Shaw Has Found International Fame in...

Emily Kopley: Accomplished Author, Educator and Scholar

When Emily Kopley enrolled in SCASD, her education was critical in developing her passion for literature, art and music. Now, an author, educator and scholar, Emily reflects on how SCASD influenced her journey. “I loved English class, especially taught by Kaylene Brummett Swenson. I also enjoyed History with Jennifer Cornwell and Dr. Michael Lechner,” she recalls. “In French class, there was a mild embarrassment in speaking another language that fostered camaraderie,” Emily laughs. “Living in France, and now Montreal, I am grateful for the language preparation I got from State High, especially Mme Martha (Zauzig) Young.”

Read more: Emily Kopley: Accomplished Author, Educator and Scholar