Former SCASD Teacher, Joe Boris, Focuses His Efforts on the Court

When someone retires after 40 years of teaching, they often take time to relax, travel, visit friends and family, golf, or any number of your typical retirement activities. But for Joe Boris, typical isn’t in his vocabulary. Instead, Joe spends much of his “retirement” continuing to work with students at State College Area High School in his role as Commissioner of the Intramural Basketball Association (I.M.B.A.), where he has been for nearly three decades.

Read more: Former SCASD Teacher, Joe Boris, Focuses His Efforts on the Court

Mapping for the Future

Since its inception during the 2014-15 school year, the Geography Club has been instilling a love of geography in the 4th and 5th grade students at Radio Park.

When an interest in geography was expressed by students, club founders Karen Foard and Julie Jobe decided to create the Geography Club.

“All three years have had about 35 to 40 participants,” said Karen. “That’s a lot of kids wanting to learn for learning’s sake!”

Read more: Mapping for the Future

Delta Middle School's "Hamilton" Class

As a Tuesday morning rolled along, a couple of Delta Middle hallways bustled with activity.

In one spot, a teacher and a student reviewed a research project about British colonization since the 18th century. Nearby, a troop of girls worked out dance steps, and around the corner from them, two classmates hunched over a laptop fine-tuning a video presentation. Meanwhile, a rehearsing singer’s voice warbled from the adjacent auditorium.

It may have looked like different classes, but it was just one — an innovative creation by teachers Leah Mueller and Paul McCormick.

Read more: Delta Middle School's "Hamilton" Class