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The PDS Outstanding Dissertation Award recognizes a high level of excellence within new doctoral candidates who are able to greatly contribute to the understanding of Professional Development Schools (PDS). As the 2017 winner, Dr. Kelly Mark’s brilliance was first recognized when two of her dissertation committee members nominated her for this honor. All dissertations that were submitted for this award had to reflect the “Nine Essentials” that are found at the core of a PDS school.

“The awards committee found my work to be an outstanding reflection of those essentials,” said Kelly.

Kelly’s dissertation focused on mentoring practices within the PDS school system. She wanted to find out how mentors learned their practices and also if they had changed over time. She was able to identify four mentoring practices utilized by mentors: co-planning, co-teaching, providing opportunities for interns to be seen as teachers, and collaborating with the Professional Development Association (PDA).

“My study provides varied, rich illustrations of what these practices look like in action because I studied four different mentors,” she said.

Her dissertation work allowed Kelly to have a significant contribution to the Professional Development School program at Radio Park Elementary School. She thinks that this program is one of the most rewarding aspects of teaching.

“Mentoring preservice teachers into this profession makes me feel like I’m having an impact on elementary students that I may never meet,” she said.

Kelly actually got her start as a PDS intern 13 years ago at Radio Park Elementary. The State College Area School District has given her many opportunities that have allowed her to grow and develop as an educator.

 “I’ve felt supported by the district every step of the way,” she said.

Although Kelly has wanted to be a teacher for as long as she can remember, she was blessed with many educators that further solidified her career path. She hopes to have this same type of effect on her students.

She has always felt the importance of having a hand in a child’s development whether it be academic, social, or emotional. She enjoys seeing the lightbulbs turn on when a student learns a new concept.

“They’re so excited about learning, which makes me excited about teaching,” she said.

Kelly has many fond teaching memories rooted in the families she’s had the privilege of working with over the years. She loves seeing what the future holds for her former students.

“There’s nothing better than watching students move on and succeed, but having an opportunity to teach their siblings and maintain relationships with families is a very special part of this work,” she said.

Kelly is a proud faculty member of the SCASD. She is thankful for all the memories, experiences, and friendships she has gained over the years.

“SCASD is quite special to me,” she said. “I absolutely love working here.”