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SCASD Graduate, Michael Donovan, '04, Reflects on His Service to the President of The United States

Not many can say their first office is in one of the most famous buildings in the world. But, for the last eight years, Michael Donovan, a 2004 graduate of State College Area High School, launched his career in the White House, serving directly under President Barack Obama. In a role that took him all over the globe, Michael reflects on his service to the President and how his SCASD education helped get him there.

Over the years, I personally represented the White House and the U.S. Government in more than 45 countries and many states across the U.S.

After completing his B.A. from Penn State in Political Science, Donovan found himself in Chicago at the epicenter of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, leading him to a major opportunity. “I was lucky enough to follow the President to the White House after a lengthy campaign service,” he says. Over the course of his service, Donovan saw various roles of increasing responsibility. “At the White House, I served as the Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Scheduling in the Executive Office of the President.” In this position, Donovan was responsible for coordinating the related efforts of the White House staff, the National Security Council, U.S. Secret Service, executive agencies, the U.S. military, private organizations, and representatives of foreign countries to plan the strategic agenda of the President.

As Special Assistant, Donovan was fortunate to have many opportunities to visit foreign countries, as well as explore the US. “Over the years, I personally represented the White House and the U.S. Government in more than 45 countries and many states across the U.S.,” he comments. Preparing for such a unique job is hardly something that can be taught in school alone, but Donovan places a lot of value on the education he received at SCASD. “I was lucky enough to receive a top-notch education from SCASD, from teachers who sincerely cared for their students and their futures.”

Although living in central Pennsylvania may not have provided him with vast exposure to the hustle and bustle of political life, Donovan was grateful that the educators at SCASD did not fall into the small-world mindset. “Being a rural and partly suburban school district could lend itself to inward thinking,” he states. “But the curiosity provoked by the staff regarding the outside world was especially crucial to my path, providing me with a firm foundation for continued education and a desire to be a life-long learner.”

I was on the inside of history, and that was certainly not lost on me.

Reflecting on his career today, Donovan is proud of his time as part of the Presidential team. “It was a truly remarkable experience that I am exceedingly grateful to have had. I was on the inside of history, and that was certainly not lost on me,” he says. But, as one can imagine, the position worked at a pace which takes a lot of energy, time, and dedication. “The pace and workload was extremely taxing,” he recalls. “I’m excited for a more sustainable pace in my next endeavor.” For Donovan, that means taking a much-needed break and time for himself. “I have just returned from a dream two-month road trip taking me over 14,600 miles to 34 states, 2 Canadian provinces and 38 components of the National Park System. I look forward to eventually joining a mission-driven organization where people share my values and zeal for the international arena.”