Recent State High Grads Share Their Advice

High school graduation is a major milestone. Often, it is combined with celebration of success and nervousness about the future. We recently spoke with three 2016 State High graduates willing to share their personal journeys and offering advice to current students.

Read more: Recent State High Grads Share Their Advice

State College Area Schools Make Transitions Easier

Whether moving up from elementary grades to middle school, or from middle to high school, the process can be an intimidating one. Becoming accustomed to new surroundings, new procedures, and new faces, on top of tackling new academic challenges, can become overwhelming.

Read more: State College Area Schools Make Transitions Easier

Paying For College: Options and Obstacles Facing Families

It’s no secret, college is expensive and paying for a student’s college education is no easy feat. Luckily, there are many different ways for parents to find money. It’s all about looking in the right places and starting the process early.

Read more: Paying For College: Options and Obstacles Facing Families