Instilling a Love for Languages

State College Area School District’s middle school world languages program allows sixth-graders to sample French, German, and Spanish with 12-week units.

Read the article by SCASD's Chris Rosenblum here!


Empowering Students to Make the Best Personal Choice

Counselors Encourage Students to Apply to "Right" Schools

With a large pool of above-average students in the academically-competitive State High, the district yields many candidates for elite colleges and universities.

But is a student’s dream school always the right one?

Read more: Empowering Students to Make the Best Personal Choice

From Spirited Student to American Hero

SCASD Remembers Bill Cahir Through Memorial Scholarship Fund

Everyone who knew Bill Cahir always knew he would do special things in his life. From his humble beginnings at State High to his final days as an American hero, Cahir lived up to his reputation.

Cahir was born in Bellefonte in 1968 to parents John and Mary Anne Cahir, and was raised in State College.

“He was a very kind person,” said John. “Of all of our four children, he was by far the first to give up the favored seat, or the last piece of cake. He was the one who wrote the most letters and sent the most gifts.”

Read more: From Spirited Student to American Hero