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Meet three of the SCASD Education Foundation's board members. Each boasts a long history with the school district, as well as impressive experiences that will assist during the growth of the foundation. You can find more info on all of our board members, here!

Carol Grimm

Betsy Whitman

Ann McGlaughlin

“I was born and raised in Boalsburg, Pa., attending the SCASD kindergarten through 12th grade. After graduating from PSU in Elementary Education, I went on to teach kindergarten for my entire career, with a few years of nursery school teaching at Grace Lutheran Pre-School.

My husband and I have three wonderful children who all graduated from SCASD.

My father and grandmother also graduated from SCASD. My grandma attended the two-room Frazier Street School. I am proud to say my mother taught kindergarten in State College for just under 30 years and my father was on the school board here for 30 years. My connection to the district is a family affair.

Joining the Foundation is a way I can give back to a school district that afforded my children, and myself, an education that truly prepared us for our goals — an education that offered academics, arts, music and athletics, with no limits as to what we could experience and achieve.

Growing up in this community, attending school here and then being fortunate enough to teach in the school district, I hope will enable me to benefit the Foundation and, in turn, the district.

I hope I can follow the leadership of the Foundation in drawing more people to support school initiatives, and in turn support children and deliver an educational experience second to none.

Through my experience and my children's, I honestly have so many positive things I could write about our schools. Most importantly, the administrators, and entire staff, are so dedicated and child-centered, I am always proud to say I learned from them all.”

“I worked, variously, as a public school teacher; pre-school and college environmental educator; writer and editor (Ranger Rick books and Learning Magazine); professional storyteller; and community organizer (Rails to Trails, Earth Day 1990, Friends of State High). I live in Patton Township with my husband, Dave.

I’ve lived in the district since 2009. My two daughters graduated from State High. I was a co-leader of Friends of State High, the bi-partisan grassroots organization that helped the SCASD community find common ground to support the renovation of State High.

Public education is a foundation of democracy. State and federal funding for education have not kept pace with the needs of today’s students. Because the system of funding public education is not going to change in my lifetime, I want to supplement the SCASD education needs with my efforts.

"I hope to continue to build a sense of community among and between SCASD students, teachers, personnel, and volunteers — past and present — and among any students who attend or attended one of these schools.”

“I have lived in the Centre Region for more than 30 years and currently reside in Harris Township with my husband Ron. My two children are graduates of State High. I work as an accountant for a local small business and am a proud graduate of Villanova University.

I am a past member and past president of the SCASD School Board. During eight years of service on the board, I learned a great deal about the district's history and operations. Through my role in planning and decision-making, I gained first-hand knowledge of its strengths and its challenges. In my last year on the board, I was part of the effort to re-establish the district's development function, paving the way for the establishment of the Foundation.

The State College community places great value on its public education system. Community members have high expectations, but are extraordinarily generous and proud of what they, as a community, have created and supported.  The Foundation offers a way to take the programs, services and opportunities which the district provides to students to another level.  I look forward to exploring that potential.

As charter members of the Foundation board, we will help to establish how it will operate and engage with the community, and help to chart its course into the future. I hope that we are able to establish a firm and respected 'foundation' so that the Foundation's efforts to positively impact the educational experiences of students will be successful, sustainable and long-term.”