Meet the SCASD Education Foundation Board Members

Meet three of the SCASD Education Foundation's board members. Each boasts a long history with the school district, as well as impressive experiences that will assist during the growth of the foundation.

Read more: Meet the SCASD Education Foundation Board Members

SCASD Education Foundation Receives Local Bank Donations Via State Tax Credit Program

Two local banks are supporting the State College Area School District and public education by donating $15,000 to the SCASD Education Foundation.

First National Bank and Fulton Bank gave $10,000 and $5,000, respectively, to the foundation through the state’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program.

Read more: SCASD Education Foundation Receives Local Bank Donations Via State Tax Credit Program

Taking the “Pressure” Out of Peer Pressure

Students, Counselors, and Administration Work to Build an All-Inclusive Sense of Unity at State High

When you think of peer pressure, you might picture a bully convincing another student to try drugs or alcohol, or a student being persuaded to cheat on an exam. While these examples of negative peer influence do occur in today’s school communities (including at SCASD), the leading form of peer pressure is the pressure to achieve academically and/or in extracurricular activities.

Read more: Taking the “Pressure” Out of Peer Pressure