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The State College Area School District is committed to providing a top-tier learning environment that allows students to grow and realize their true potential. For Richard and Martha (Marti) Supina, this district was a catalyst for their children’s success in the performing arts.

From the time they enrolled their children in Mount Nittany Middle School, Kat ’06, Meg ’07, and Kevin ’09 were heavily involved with the performing arts programs. In middle school, they were involved with choir, band, and the drama club. Their experiences in these extracurricular activities stemmed a love of music that they continued through high school. In high school, Kat, Meg, and Kevin were involved with Master Singers, Chamber Singers, Glee Club, and Symphonic. Kevin was also a member of the Jazz Band. These organizations opened many doors.

“I would say the experiences had been phenomenal with regard to the opportunities that were afforded, both academically and from an extracurricular perspective,” said Marti.

Within the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA), all three children were able to perform at the District, Regional, State, and All Eastern levels. The All-Eastern level is the highest level that students can achieve in Pennsylvania. Meg and Kat performed as part of the choir and Kevin performed as a jazz musician.

“It was so rewarding to work with passionate peers and educators to achieve many things at a level that is truly rare for high schoolers,” commented Meg.

The performing arts instructors always set high standards for their students. Academic success was expected of those involved with music programs. These activities helped prepare the Supinas for their futures.

“I was able to get a great glimpse into life as a college music major and there was no question in my mind that that was what I wanted to pursue as a career,” said Meg.

SCASD allowed for the Supinas to make many lasting friendships. Marti and Richard found connections with the parents of the students and their children found a support system within their peers.

“Making music with friends helped me to find my purpose and drive,” said Kat. “That has influenced my life in a tangible way.”

As parents of children involved with the performing arts programs at SCASD, Marti and Richard were able to chaperone various trips. They both chaperoned marching band and adjudication trips, but their favorite school trips were to Europe. Marti and Richard collectively chaperoned trips to France, Italy, and Switzerland.

“It was just phenomenal,” said Richard.

After high school, Kat, Meg, and Kevin all pursued college educations. Kevin went to the Manhattan School of Music where he studied jazz. After living in New York City for eight years, he toured with a band that ended up in Boulder, Co. He is now living in Boulder and playing with a soul-funk band. Kat and Meg attended Richard’s alma mater, The University of Delaware, and majored in classical voice. Each then pursued their Master’s degrees in the same. Both now reside in New York City. Meg is going through the process of auditioning for various organizations and Kat is singing with the 5th Avenue Presbyterian Church Choir.

“I have no doubt that my experiences at State High led me on this path,” said Kat.

Without being a part of SCASD, Marti and Richard think, their children would not have been exposed to nearly as many opportunities for success. The strength of the administration and encouragement from the educators and board alike constantly pushed their students to be the best they could be.

“The State College Area School District really helped to shape our children into the adults that they are today,” said Marti.