Architecture Students Gain Real-World Experience, Bringing New Life to Student Spaces

Amazing things can happen when generous people and businesses in the community come together to work with ambitious students and the school district administration to solve a problem.

With the ongoing construction at the high school, spaces and resources have been shifting and shrinking. This project started when students and the administration noticed an overflow of people gathering in the lobby outside of the lower cafeteria and study hall. The problem was that there were no tables, chairs, or furniture of any kind, for the students to sit on. To work on their laptops, or catch up with their friends, the students had to stand, or sit on the floor.

Read more: Architecture Students Gain Real-World Experience, Bringing New Life to Student Spaces

Farm to School: Agricultural Science Students Use Grants to Innovate, Grow, and Go to Market

For many of us growing up, knowing where our food came from wasn’t something we gave much thought to. Today, with the rise in mass-produced, highly processed food that is often transported for miles before it gets to our plates, many people are looking to get back to basics.

The farm to table philosophy grew out of a desire to put food on the table that was grown locally, sustainably, and often organically. The farm to table idea has now expanded to include farm to school.

Over the past few years, the SCASD and the Agricultural (Ag) Science Program have received several grants to support the farm to school efforts, bring local food into schools, and enhance food education. This included a $26,335 grant from the Seed Change program, a $2,500 Food For All grant from the National FFA, $700 from the PA FFA Foundation, and $900 from a Farm to Table grant.

Read more: Farm to School: Agricultural Science Students Use Grants to Innovate, Grow, and Go to Market

State High Team Takes First Place in National Stock Market Game

On May 11, one of the two teams from State High that participated in the 10-week national Stock Market Game took home the first-place prize.

The Stock Market Game is a competition that teaches high school students stock market basics. It is an interactive simulation where critical thinking, decision making, cooperation, research, investing, and communication are essential for success. Students start with $100,000 in hypothetical money and “invest” it in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. The team with the most money in their portfolio at the end wins the competition. 

The team, led by Social Studies and Economics teacher Ryan Long, had a final portfolio of $110,902.

Read the complete story at HERE.