Meet the School Board: An Interview with Penni Fishbaine

Since December 2009, Penni Fishbaine has served the State College Area School District as a member of its Board of Directors. She was the School Board president during the two years of referendum communications and vote. 

As a parent of two State High graduates and longstanding member of the State College community, Fishbaine has been involved in the school district for many years on many levels. Fishbaine is also approved to serve as the school board representative on the SCASD Education Foundation board.

Read about her thoughts and outlook for the district in this Q&A.

Read more: Meet the School Board: An Interview with Penni Fishbaine

Spotlight on Mental Health

Mental health in schools has received a lot of press over the past year. On the university, high school, and even middle and elementary school levels, the floodgates have opened to conversations about continually climbing rates of depression and suicidal ideations. At State High, individuals and groups have banded together to create a space for discussion and have begun brainstorming answers to the question, “How can we help?”

Read more: Spotlight on Mental Health

When the Student Becomes the Teacher

Leah Mueller traces her interest in singing back to fourth grade, when she started taking voice lessons. That same year, Mueller was a student at Boalsburg Elementary in David Rockower’s class. Today, she and Rockower are colleagues at Delta Middle School, where Mueller teaches music and theatre.

Unlike most schools, including those within the district, Delta Middle offers a curricular theatre program, which is funded by a private grant. “We are very fortunate,” said Mueller. “If theatre were available during the school day for all students, it would allow most students to experience the joy of theatre, even those who wouldn’t necessarily try it outside of school.”

Read more: When the Student Becomes the Teacher