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Working with Administration and Nittany Office, They Solve an Urgent Problem with a Long-Lasting Solution

Amazing things can happen when generous people and businesses in the community come together to work with ambitious students and the school district administration to solve a problem.

With the ongoing construction at the high school, spaces and resources have been shifting and shrinking. This project started when students and the administration noticed an overflow of people gathering in the lobby outside of the lower cafeteria and study hall. The problem was that there were no tables, chairs, or furniture of any kind, for the students to sit on. To work on their laptops, or catch up with their friends, the students had to stand, or sit on the floor.

“The spaces were lacking in seating and were very dull,” said Senior Elijah (Eli) Coburn.

The SCASD Education Foundation approached Chip Crawford, Instructor of Architectural Drafting and Design, to lead an effort to allow students and faculty to pitch ideas for creatively utilizing these shared spaces, while also maximizing resources for the new school.

The students first had to take measurements of the existing space. They then worked with the administration and their classmates to determine what was needed, and wanted, in a new design. And of course, as in any architectural project, budget was a factor, so the team saw some “wish list items” had to be downsized to “reality items.”

“I’m impressed with how well students and faculty have adapted to the school’s environment during the period of construction,” said Chris Weakland, Assistant Principal. “This situation where parts of the schools are closed due to construction is helping to prepare them for life and how to adapt to change.”

Eli is one of Mr. Crawford’s architecture students who took the project and ran with it. He studied the space outside the cafeteria and observed how it was being utilized. He then designed plans for furnishing it to maximize its capacity. With the assistance of Mike Kerr, owner of Nittany Office Equipment/Office Plus, furniture was purchased to fit the space and Eli’s plans.

The tables and chairs significantly enhance these overflow areas, giving students much-needed places to hang out, do school work, and socialize with friends.

It was also important that while the furniture solved a short-term problem, it also needed to fit in with the bigger picture. The furniture is coordinated to match with the motif of the new school. It’s adaptable, moveable, and versatile, so it will be used for many years to come.

In total, the project will add 70 new seats in the auditorium lobby, main lobby, and outside both cafeterias. Students chose white tabletop tables and blond wooden chairs, which is in line with the décor of the new building.

Eighteen of the seats will be near the auditorium where the district remodeled the decorative wall that used to be there. The new wall includes conduit which will be used for future electrical sockets. Plans also include round and short tables in the lobby and adjacent hallway, where the existing benches will be moved to another location.

Eli is one student who is taking advantage of the opportunity to leave his mark on the school. He can visit the new building in a few years as an alum and know that the furniture was made possible thanks in part to his efforts today.

“I really enjoyed this project because it allowed me to see a project through from beginning to end,” said Eli, “to actually be able to experience the architectural process.” 

Blueprints for Area Outside of the State High Auditorium


Mike Kerr from Nittany Office Equipment/Office Plus, worked closely with the students on the project.  He visited the space, reviewed the blueprints, and gave the students feedback and suggestions. Mike was extremely impressed with the students, the initiative they took, and the precision of their blueprints.

“I see a lot of blueprints in my business and these were some of the best,” said Mike. “The students designed everything and had it all laid out.”

Mike and Eli worked closely on some ideas, giving Eli real-world architecture experience and insight into the reality of being the customer. What the architect envisions may not always align with the reality of what’s possible. Mike took the extra time to work with Eli, and in the process, he helped him develop his architecture skills.

Nittany Office Equipment was able to provide the students and the district with the furniture at cost, providing them with a significant savings.

“I feel like I was just the order taker,” said Mike. “The students are really the heroes.”

Mike is also a State High graduate and his four children attended school in the district. In his job he works with many of the school districts in the area and says that he is impressed with all of them.

Nittany Office Equipment is a locally owned and operated office supply store that has been in the community and owned by the Kerr family since 1956. They began as a 400-square foot store and have expanded to a 30,000-square foot showroom at 1207 South Atherton Street. Products they offer include office supplies, furniture, digital copiers, and more.

Nittany Office Equipment also has a long history of giving back to the community. In addition to helping the students with this project, they support THON, Meals on Wheels, and the Bob Perks Fund.

“The fact that he’s a State High alum, his kids are State High alums, he’s so invested in the community,” said Mr. Weakland. “I’ve known Mike for many years, and he’s one of the good guys in the community.”

As students, Mr. Crawford’s architecture classes don’t usually have an opportunity to see a project through from start to finish. To see this project come to life and get real-world feedback from their teachers, the administration, and their peers was invaluable.

“It is vital for students to see that what someone wants, and what can actually be built, are sometimes two different things, or at least part of the challenge for a successful design,” said Mr. Crawford. “This project was a great life lesson. We thank the administration for such an awesome opportunity.”

The SCASD Education Foundation is proud to support initiatives like this that will benefit the well-being and the educational experience for ALL students. The Foundation hopes to offer further support of this project through additional furniture pieces.

Congratulations to all of the students on a job well done, and a special thanks to Mike Kerr at Nittany Office for offering his expertise and help with this project!