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As Executive Director of the State College Area School District Education Foundation, I am pleased and thankful to introduce our inaugural board members. Each member brings a valuable and distinct set of experiences and perspectives that will help immensely as we grow the foundation.

Those perspectives range from parents to alumni to youth coaches to community volunteers. They are parents of graduates and parents of students. They are business owners, Penn State faculty members, long time residents, and recent transplants.

And that depth and breadth of community knowledge will help guide the foundation and shape our mission to enhance the educational experience of district students.

In the coming months, the board will be discussing plans to promote that mission through a variety of outreach initiatives, including more extensive use of social media, sponsoring and hosting a district-wide “Hall of Fame” to honor and celebrate the accomplishments of the State High community, and continued communications with members of the State College area and alumni throughout the country.

In addition to recruiting a few more board members, we will need volunteers for a variety of roles relevant to the work of the foundation. Please let us know if you are interested in serving in some capacity. I can be reached at pgo11@scasd.org or (814) 883–8067.

Paul Olivett
Executive Director


Meet Some of Our Board Members

Ben Lawrence



Ben is the VP of Sales for KCF Technologies, one of the state’s fastest growing technology companies.

What is your connection to the district?
My wife and I are raising three daughters here, and we pay taxes here.

What was your inspiration for joining the board?
Collectively, my kids have spent more than 20 years in this district and how many bad teachers have they had? ZERO. How many world-class teachers? ALL of them. Couple our world-class teachers with a world-class foundation and WOW—the sky’s the limit.

What unique trait or experience do you bring to the board?

Elvis Presley said it best: A little less conversation, a lot more action.

What do you hope to help accomplish by being a part of the foundation board?

Our district is bursting with expertise on how to raise our kids and build a strong community, yet our schools have done little outreach to share that expertise outside traditional classroom boundaries. My vision is a foundation that gives SCASD’s best a platform to share their experience with a much broader audience.

Do you have a story or experience to share about the district?

My wife, Jessica, and I have three daughters who (almost!) every day are excited about going to school and proud of their accomplishments at school. What more could a parent ask?

Chris Buchignani



Chris lives in Park Forest with his wife, Terri, and their four-year-old daughter, Isabella. He works as an independent marketing consultant, serves as president of The Nittany Valley Society, and is a member of the State College Evening Rotary Club. During the 2013 primary election, Chris served as co-director, with Betsy Whitman, of Friends of State High.

What is your connection to the district?
I have lived in the Nittany Valley for almost 20 years; this is my home. As a parent and engaged resident, contributing to the collaborative relationship between the community and our schools is a top priority for me.

What was your inspiration for joining the board?

Because both of my parents were public school teachers, and many other members of my family have also worked in education, I grew up with a deep respect and appreciation for the importance of education and the value of good schools. Whatever service I provide the foundation honors them by acting on those lessons to benefit a community I love.

What unique trait or experience do you bring to the board?

Besides my dry wit? I hope I can help the foundation excel at outreach and communication, particularly in connecting with the many distinct constituencies that together form our unique college town community.

What do you hope to help accomplish by being a part of the foundation board?

I hope we will establish a strong basis for the foundation to succeed over the long-term. That means making favorable impressions and taking on successful, beneficial projects. I want the people of State College to feel good about the foundation as a means for the community to help our teachers and students get access to resources that enhance the richness of education here.

Do you have a story or experience to share about the district?

As someone who did not grow up in State College, I have been consistently impressed and pleasantly surprised at the high levels of investment in the life of the schools here. School districts are most successful when they function as a partnership between educators and the public. Judging from everything I have observed, we are so fortunate to live in a place where both the exceptional professionals and engaged citizens are smart, passionate, and dedicated to excellent outcomes.

Doug Loviscky



As an attorney and CPA, Doug provides estate, tax, and business planning advice to closely-held businesses and their owners throughout central Pennsylvania. Doug has held leadership positions on the board of directors of a variety of local non-profit organizations, including the Centre Region Estate Planning Council, Salvation Army of Centre County, Centre Lacrosse, Centre Soccer Association, and the Penn State Hoops Club. 


What is your connection to the district?
My wife and I are alumni ('88 and '86, respectively) and parents of Kendall ('15), Andrew ('17) and Keira ('24).

What was your inspiration for joining the board?

As a parent of three children in the school district, I appreciate the quality of education they have received at every step of their journey—in elementary, middle and high school. I want to help our school district and community provide our teachers and students with the resources they need to continue this level of excellence.

What unique trait or experience do you bring to the board?

I have professional and personal experience helping philanthropic individuals support local charitable organizations.

What do you hope to help accomplish by being a part of the foundation board?

I would like to help the school district communicate the mission and vision of the foundation so that it can become a self-sustaining organization supported by alumni, parents, and other members of the SCASD community.

Do you have a story or experience to share about the district?

I worked with the family of Bill Cahir to create a memorial fund in Bill’s name at the SCASD Education Foundation to give high school students in the journalism program the opportunity to attend national conferences and competitions. (Read more about the memorial fund here.)

Michelle Frisco



Michelle has lived in State College since 2005. She is a Sociology & Demography faculty member at Penn State University who studies the intersection of children’s family lives, school experiences, and health outcomes. She has a daughter in first grade at Radio Park Elementary School and a son in sixth grade who attends Park Forest Middle School. 

What is your connection to the district?
I have two children in the district.

What was your inspiration for joining the board?

I joined the board because I have been extremely impressed with what the district offers students in State College, but I recognize that continued community involvement and investment can even further enhance students’ experiences in our local schools.

What unique trait or experience do you bring to the board?

My background in studying schools combined with my experiences as a parent of two students in the district will help me serve the board well.

What do you hope to help accomplish by being a part of the foundation board?

I hope to be part of a team that works to help bring greater resources to students in the district.

Do you have a story or experience to share about the district?

I can’t bring to mind just one specific story, but I have been blown away by the education and support that both of my children received by every teacher at Radio Park (we’ve only been at Park Forest Middle School for a few weeks, so we’re still learning about that school).


Stay tuned for profiles of our other board members in future stories.