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Moving to a new school, especially a new high school, can be a daunting experience for any teenager. Jonathon Cottingham is no exception. He recently moved with his family from Palmyra, Pennsylvania, to State College, when his Dad accepted a position with The Applied Research Lab at Penn State University. Thankfully, in part to the support of the teachers, counselors, and other students he has met at school, the transition has been a good one. 

A rising sophomore, Jonathon came from Palmyra High School where the entire enrollment is about the same size as SCASD’s ninth grade class. The difference in the size of the schools was one thing that has taken some getting used to.

“Everyone has been very welcoming and accepting,” said Jonathon’s mother, Mrs. Michelle Cottingham. “The challenges were the size of the school and making new friends.”

Mrs. Cottingham’s sister lives in the State College area and she has children who attend the elementary schools.  Besides that, though, she didn’t know a lot about the district before they moved here.

Jonathon ran track at Palmyra and he considered giving it up since he didn’t know anyone on the team in State College. His parents encouraged him not to give it up, and thankfully, he didn’t. He has formed many new friendships with his teammates on the State High track team. He also started working weekends at The Waffle Shop, a job that will also be an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.

With the support of teachers and guidance counselors, Jonathon and the Cottinghams were able to make a smooth transition into the district, despite the size difference. Jonathon says one teacher in particular, Mrs. Tenille Cannon, has made the move easier for him. When he first came to the school, guidance counselors paired Jonathon with other students who could show him around. The counselors also checked in on him along to way to make sure he was doing well.

Overall, the move has proven to be a good one for the Cottingham family. While SCASD is a lot bigger than their previous school, along with that size comes additional opportunities and diversity in the choice of programs offered.

“SCASD has a lot of different programs that Johnathon is interested in that weren’t offered at his previous school,” said Mrs. Cottingham. “There is more diversity and more choices at SCASD.”

Jonathon encourages any student moving to a new district to try and make the most of it.

“Give the school a chance and keep an open mind,” he said.

So while moving to a new district is a daunting prospect for students and parents, the SCASD and the Cottinghams want new families to know that there is help and support which will hopefully make it a smooth transition.

“As parents, our advice is not to worry because kids are resilient,” said Mrs. Cottingham. “We also suggest to keep the communication open with your child.”

Continued good luck to Jonathon and the entire Cottingham family as they adjust to life in State College and school at SCASD!