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Foundation Board Gets to Work 

The inaugural members of the SCASD Education Foundation board met for the first time on September 7 to begin work recruiting additional members and planning activities. Welcome and thank you to this engaged group of parents, alumni, and community members for being among the first to get involved with this important effort:

Chris Buchignani Penni Fishbaine Ben Lawrence
Betsy Whitman Doug Loviscky Ann McGlaughlin
Michelle Frisco    


Some of the topics at the first board meeting included:

  • Discussion of a possible annual Hall of Fame Event
    • A district-wide event celebrating arts, music, academics, and athletics
    • Recognize 8–10 individuals each year
    • Formal plans to be discussed at next meeting
  • Ways to use social media to reach out to community to highlight SCASD students and activities 
  • The board will meet quarterly

Stay tuned for more information about board meetings, individual board members, and developments with the foundation!