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Rising senior Ally Ellis, holding two of her sketches. “With the help of the MICA program, I’m hoping to become the artist I believe I can be and to prepare myself for whatever lies ahead in college, and later, in my career,” said Ellis.  

For some of us, summer break means hot lazy days spent drifting in the pool—but that’s not the case for SCASD art and theater students. Many students use the summer months to gain more experience, practice their craft, and share their skills through teaching.

From additional training and internships, to acting and fundraising, art and theater students have a lot of exciting things on their agendas this summer. Many take the opportunity to travel to programs in other cities or states, and in a few instances, even to other countries.

“State High Thespians are preparing to perform at the International Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland in August 2017,” says Jill Campbell, Director of State High ARTsmART and State High Thespians. “To fundraise, they will paint faces at the People’s Choice Arts Festival and run a Summer Theatre Camp for young people in the community.”

Several State High Thespians will attend the MPulse Summer Performing Arts Institute at the University of Michigan. According to their website, the program is designed to “inspire high school students to exciting new levels of excellence in music performance, music technology, musical theatre, theatre, and dance.”

Still others will attend S.T.A.T.E.! (School of Theatre Artistry and Technical Education), the new musical theatre summer program at Penn State. This two-week intensive program gives attendees classes in voice, acting, and dance. Instructors include Penn State Musical Theatre Faculty, current students, and notable alumni.

Thespians from State High will also play roles in community theater and Fuse Theatre productions.

“This summer, I’m excited to be a part of the cast of High School Musical with State College Community Theatre, playing Ryan Evans,” said student, Devon Tighe.

Devon also coordinates the thespians for the face painting booth at the People’s Choice Festival.

Leah Englehart, Takiyah Natasi, and Nika Bucknavage will be interning with Margaux Wolszczan at The Fraser St. Gallery in downtown State College.

Margaux says that the interns will help with social media marketing, designing postcards and posters, helping to manage the website, and of course, working in the gallery. The internship offers students real-life, invaluable, exposure to the sales and marketing side of the art world.

“Interest in the arts is not a must, but definitely helpful!” said Margaux.

Student Noah Miller is dividing his time between an internship and helping with a theatre camp.

“I’m doing a stage management internship with Muhlenberg College in Allentown at their Summer Music Theatre Festival,” said Noah. “Then I am going to help with State High Thespians’ theatre camp.”

Here are just a few of the other art and theater students and the interesting and exciting things they have planned for this summer: 

  • Rachel Zhang will begin post-secondary programs at Cooper Union, one of the most prestigious art schools in the country
  • Sophia Skidgel will be taking an art camp at Millbrook Marsh
  • Maggie McConnell will travel to Tuscany for MICA’s summer art program
  • Ally Ellis will be taking the MICA summer program in Baltimore
  • Lydia Wollen will participate in the Philadelphia Academy of Art summer program
  • Grant Donghia will do a film camp in NYC
  • Ashley Stangle will be an art teaching assistant at the Deer Valley YMCA camp


Congratulations to all of our art and theater students for their continued dedication!